Social Security
A collection of whitepapers associated with the social services industry
The publications highlighted on this page have been selected due to their relevance and impact on today’s social program organisations.
These papers were researched and written by myself and others (attributed), but are no longer available elsewhere on the web. This site is therefore an archive of relevant historical research and thought leadership.
Six Technologies That Are Changing Social Services and Social Security Worldwide
This paper explores 6 emerging technologies from the mid-2000’s that we thought would change the face of social services. Most of them did; some of them may still do.
This paper, developed by Brian Lee-Archer with a lot to input from myself and others, describes a new model of transaction processing in the social system. By taking a differential response to claims, instead of treating all people the same, more effort can be spent on the people who need it most and less on the ones that do not need as much help. This was quite a profound change to the industry's historical thinking, and while the whole didn’t get picked up by many, most of the 9 characteristics.
Transforming Government Service Delivery
This paper came out of the research used to create Service Canada in the 2005-2006 period. Written by Martin Duggan and Cathy Green, it highlights some profound transformations that have had a heavy influence around the world.
Social System Industry Dynamics
This book was written to look at the evolution of social models in the social services and social security industry. Led by Martin Duggan, a range of colleagues produced insights on current and emerging dynamics. It is surprisingly still current given it is almost 20 years old.
Living longer, living better: Addressing the challenge of an ageing workforce
Written by Chris Brailey, this paper explores the realities of work for older people. Very relevant to the world we find ourselves in post pandemic, it covers some interesting models that would still benefit most countries today.
Social Industry Model
This paper explores the work undertaken by IBM to develop an Industry Model for social services and social security. It was led by Joseph Fiorentino and involved a large range of experts.
Intelligent Processing in Social Services
This paper was published in the Stewards of Change yearbook in 2009 and describes how transactional processing can be modelled and intelligence added to the treatment of claims. It is now used in a few systems around the world and was the pre-cursor to the wider publication on RightServicing.
eBusiness series
This series of papers in 1999, 2000 and 2001 was developed by myself with the University of Leuven.
It looks at the emerging use of the Internet in social security systems and ranked countries throughout Europe.
The anonymous series stopped as countries put in place more online transactions as in most places it is illegal to falsely claim for a service and that was needed to execute the model. It was however used with the Canadian and USA Federal Social Security organisations to help develop their on-line services as part of contracts consulting work. The model is still valid today and can be used to test the effectiveness of online social security sites.